This was one of the first zoos we visited as a family – before we became familiar with zoo best practices. At the time we were impressed with the volume of animals and a few of the exhibits, but I remember thinking it met my view of a stereotypical zoo. Having visited more than 40 zoos since this one…I can tell you this zoo is VERY outdated.
- Aviary – upon entrance to the zoo, there is a walk through aviary that is huge. You’re in amongst birds flying around, and down below in the water was a giant anteater sloshing through. This was by far the highlight of the visit.
- Hippo/Alligator – compared to other zoos, there’s not a huge hippo viewing. However, it was cool seeing these animals close together through the glass. Made for a nice exhibit.
- Elephants – several animals probably fall into the “Not enough space” bucket, but the elephants stand out. Not nearly enough room for two adult elephants.
- Old exhibits – nearly every exhibit on the main loop was the same – gazelle, ostrich, tiger – same layout, with concrete calls and a lot of dust. Not animal friendly at all.
- Okapi – Not a lot of zoos have okapi, but the ones that do separate them from the other animals as they like their space and enjoy being secluded. That was not the case here.
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