If you’re vacationing in Iowa, unfortunately you don’t have that many zoos to choose from. Honestly I’d recommend you keep driving west and go to one of the country’s best zoos in Omaha, Nebraska! But for those in Iowa, we take at look the Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines, and match it up against the Niabi Zoo in the Quad Cities (technically in Illinois…but close enough!). So here we go – our Iowa Zoo Comparison!

Size: Blank Park Zoo is a moderately sized zoo. They feature larger animals and have an African wing. The Niabi Zoo is a bit smaller, with a farm area and then larger animals in the rest of the zoo. Advantage: Blank Park Zoo

Shows: The Blank Park Seal has seal/sea lion training demonstrations. This was quite enjoyable, as they train them but also show off their jumps and dives. The Niabi Zoo does not have any shows. Advantage: Blank Park Zoo

Indoor Exhibits: The Blank Park Zoo has a rainforest area with birds, bats, and other animals. The Niabi Zoo recently added an oceans building upon immediate entrance, has a reptile building, and also has a small animal building in the back with snakes, birds, a porcupine, and others. Reasoning Advantage: Niabi Zoo

Animal Interactions: At the Blank Park Zoo we fed an ostrich, a giraffe, and fish/farm animals in the kids area. They also offer camels rides and parakeet feedings. At the Niabi Zoo we fed the farm animals, fish, and giraffes. Advantage: Blank Park Zoo

Habitats: The Blank Park Zoo has many larger animal exhibits, and for the most part they all have both indoor and outdoor areas where they can be viewed. The tiger area has a safari-atmosphere to make it seem like you’re viewing them from a jeep. The African animals are separated, but they extend a boardwalk and it generates a savanna-like atmosphere. The Niabi Zoo does not have the same level of variance to their exhibit. The Lions are in a one-dimensional area with a tall cage; the other big cats are in small caged areas, and the giraffes don’t have a large amount of space. Advantage: Blank Park Zoo

Wow Factor: As a kid, I always told my parents that the small circle of land when you enter or exit a highway should be turned into a zoo. Blank Park basically makes that happen, but putting their camels in the large open space between the main road and the zoo parking lot. So as you drive in to the Blank Park Zoo, your adventure has already begun! Niabi increased their wow factor by including their Oceans building in the entrance area. Advantage: Blank Park Zoo

Kids Play Area: Blank Park has a big kids play area down by their farm animals and pond. This section is good for young and old. The Niabi Zoo does not feature a playground or play area of any kind. Advantage: Blank Park Zoo
Price: The Blank Park Zoo is $14 for adults and $8 for kids ages 3 to 12. Niabi Zoo is $9 for adults and $6.50 for kids. Advantage: Niabi Zoo
Overall: The winner of this one is the Blank Park Zoo by a score of 6-2. Blank Park comes in at 20th on our rankings, with the Niabi Zoo not far behind at 28th. They’re both worth checking out if you’re driving through Iowa!
Thank you for reading our Iowa Zoo Comparison! Read more about these zoos, and see some of our best photos of them, in our Zoo Information Guide.
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