According to an article published Monday in the Detroit Free Press, a recent study conducted by the Detroit Zoological Society and Michigan State University found that viewing animals reduces stress levels. The study put several participants in stressful situations. Then they showed them a series of pictures to see what was most calming. Those that chose pictures of animals then had a chance to view animals at the Detroit Zoo. Both their heart rates slowed and their pulse decreased.
Viewing animals has been known to make people think more clearly, focus more, and just feel better. But why? Without exploring the science behind it, we give our take on three reasons that viewing zoo animals might relieve stress.
- A change from the ordinary – Some people might say “work was crazy today” or “you wouldn’t believe what my office was like”, but not many of us work next to a lion or a giraffe. Seeing large, African animals, for example, isn’t something we often get to do. Escaping suburbia or even the country life to stroll through pathways alongside alligators, polar bears, or rhinos (for example) is just different than what we experience on a daily basis. I think people get joy from that. Being someone who enjoys sports, I’ll often hear radio sports commentators say that about their jobs. They might say “Our job isn’t to report on the pressing topics of society, but rather to give you a break from that, and to be able to relax and talk about sports”. I feel that way about a zoo. It’s important in its own right, and some make a living out of it. But for most of us, it’s an opportunity to escape our reality and be a part of something bigger.
- Animals often appear extremely calm – Have you ever noticed that? A large majority of animals that you see in the zoo will appear 100% relaxed. That’s very freeing. Think about your own life – perhaps you gravitate toward people that are more calm or laid back. It’s the same way with animals. Seeing animals that appear at ease and without worry can be as calming as relaxing with your golden retriever. They’re not stressed…so why should we be?
- The thrill and rush of seeing something unexpected – Ok so maybe this one is a stretch. This is vastly different from the first two reasons, but think about it. When you’re caught up and captivated by something, other cares and worries start to slip away. We’ve had this happen to us multiple times – through animal interactions, keeper chats, or just by watching the animals. The cheetah run demonstrations at the Columbus Zoo, as well as animal interactions like feeding sting rays, are memories that come to mind. These memories can immerse you so much to where the outside world doesn’t enter your thoughts. Getting your heart pumping a bit is a great way to refocus and enjoy life right in front of you.
So if you can, take the opportunity this summer to get out of the house or leave the office. Road trip to a zoo you’ve never been to! Enjoy the outdoors. Have an animal encounter. Watch the animals in action! See if you don’t feel your troubles (even temporarily) start to melt away.
Thank you for reading about how viewing animals reduces stress. To read about some of our favorite animal encounters, click here.
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