By now I’m sure you’re aware of the digital content that zoos are providing daily. The Cincinnati Zoo was the first one to the party, gaining national recognition for their…
Tag: Blank Park Zoo

Zoo Webcams for the Win!
The COVID-19 stay at home order has put a damper on the early part of Spring. Cancellations are ongoing across the country, including schools, sports, businesses, and much more. Zoos…

August 30 News of the Zoos
August is a transition period for many zoos. Some are transitioning out of their seasonal summer exhibits and preparing for fall. Others will soon be transferring animals to or from…

August 23 News of the Zoos
Each week we’ll take a look at stories from zoos around the country. This is our chance to get you caught up on all the zoo news. We’ll provide the…

Summer Zoo Exhibits
Summer’s here! And the weather is getting warmer…well, it should be soon! As the school year comes to a close, the sun starts to shine more frequently, and the rains…

Babies Everywhere!
With Spring upon us, Zoos across the Midwest have beautiful new babies on display!

The Best Zoo in Every State
Reader’s Digest recently released an article where they listed out the best zoo in every state (you can read it here). We’re not exactly sure how they came up with…

Midwestern Zoo Encounters
One of the things we hear repeatedly from people when we tell them how many zoos we visit is the perception that “all zoos are the same” and “aren’t the…

For the Birds…
February is National Bird Feeding Month. Feeding the birds has become a staple for us when we go to the zoo. Some people might not like the idea of birds…

Zoo vs Zoo: Iowa
If you’re vacationing in Iowa, unfortunately you don’t have that many zoos to choose from. Honestly I’d recommend you keep driving west and go to one of the country’s best…